Monday, December 22, 2008


to those of you dropping by after seeing the shameless plug in the annual finkmas letter, welcome aboard. take a bit to troll thru the archives- amongst the aimless opining on politics, music and baseball, you might actually find some updates from finkdom. hopefully you'll bookmark the site and drop by from time to time to check in on us.

open posting here, so feel free to drop a comment or two and make your presence known. we promise not to put you on our spam list.

(by the way- the background music is just a temporary holiday theme. if "rudolph" has left you with a lifelong fear of burl ives, please don't let that keep you from visiting here after the holidays.)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

please enjoy the music while your party is reached

in the beginning there was muxtape, and it was good. then the gods of the internet said "let there be a way for individuals to search for songs already on the internet, then map them to a playlist that they would create. let the html code for this playlist be made available to them, so the user may post this playlist on their own website." so the gods of the internet created, and it was good.

you'll see the new feature on the right- the new home for the soundtrack of finkipedia. hope you're enjoying the holiday tunes- i was able to find only 3 of my top 5 christmas songs, as posted last year, so i filled in two other worthy stand-ins. this station will be all christmas music all the time until after new year's day, when we'll switch over to a whole new format.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

blue (and orange) ribbon day

nothing better to brighten a miserably rainy winter day than a dose or two of baseball sunshine. got a call from erin this AM while i was at work that "the seats" had finally arrived. they were packaged with wooden planks to be mounted on for stability, which need a coat of stain and varnish before i attach them. and while there's some appeal to the character that 40 years of back sweat, stale bud light and gulden's mustard give the seats, a good scrubbing with a magic eraser is in order before they're ready for public viewing and seating.

a few hours after getting the call about the seats, i read this about a huge deal omar had just worked out adding even more reinforcements to the bullpen. it means we give up endy, which just kills me, but overall i think this deal and the signing of k-rod put the mets in striking distance of a pennant.

until i can move my seats in front of the TV to watch the now-anticipated new season, i'll just leave them where they are here in front of the computer, so i can watch this over and over, toasting endy and wishing him well.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

still here

thanks for checking back. having a hard time finding even a few minutes to spend jotting down my thoughts of the day here, much less a few hours penning the ol' christmas missive. not looking much better for the rest of the week either- christmas shopping tonight, then school christmas concert tomorrow, then on call for the weekend.

gets much easier after that- no big plans for the weekend before christmas, talking about possible trips to NYC or DC to catch some big city christmas cheer. updates and reports here, i promise.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

'tis the season

transitioning from one holiday to another this week. had a fantastic thanksgiving at the kentagon in DC, complete with a short swing by the lincoln memorial just for fun. brought grandma D and big buddy home with us to DE and enjoyed a few days just hanging around with them.

picked up our tree on saturday and decorated it with the kids sunday. have most of the household tchotchkes appropriately scattered and the christmas tunes on constant shuffle. next project? christmas letter. anxiously awaiting the arrival of my muse so i can bang out another summary of a year in 500 words or less. maybe this weekend- the egg nog is chilled and waiting.