Thursday, October 25, 2007

shiny! me like shiny

got a new phone yesterday, brought on by the facts that a) my old phone was 3 years old and couldn't hold a charge past 4 hours, 2) some little plastic piece inside the display was hanging down over the battery icon, so whatever charge i did have was nearly unidentifiable, and d) i needed to get my phone on my work account in my continuing efforts to maximize the benefit of being a small business owner.

same old number on a shiny new phone. despite all the whistles and bells, the new phone has about 1/4 of the selection of the standard ringtones the old one did, and the ones that it does have are lousy. so, i did as verizon clearly expected me to do, which was to spend more money and download a few ringtones at 1.29 each. maybe you'd like to sponsor my ringtone library, so you can each have your own unique sound i can identify your calls with.

the bidding for your number to be assigned the "super mario brothers" theme starts at 25 cents.


Anonymous said...

a, 2, d!!!!!

Don't think I didn't notice that! Who'd have ever thought Buzz from "Home Alone" could have ever been such a trendsetter!

Anonymous said...

I forked over my $1.29 so as to assign your number the Magnum PI theme (sometimes I switch you to CHiPs) and expect no less than you doing the same for me.