Thursday, February 14, 2008

lose the extra "o"

rant time again...

straight from a communication to parents from the principal's office at our school (slightly paraphrased): " seems that they loose their mittens and hats very easily".

while not as prevalent as some of the other grammatical missteps i've soapboxed on before, this one has annoyed me for years: the misspelling of "lose" as "loose".

this isn't one i've seen (thank god) in any print media, but i've seen it quite often in personal communication. i didn't realize the word "lose" was that confusing, but unless i really am sending my kids to school with gloves that are too tight, it must be.


Anonymous said...

If that comment came from my own kids' principal's office, I'd loose my sh*t!

Unknown said...

loose their mitten's and hat's...

now that would have been even worse

Anonymous said...

Even worse....

Loose there mitten's and hat's....

thus the incorrect use of their, there, and they're !! Another topic for another rainy day !!

fink said...

well done! appears my language misery is wearing off on you all too!

CEK said...

Perhaps this was in reference to them throwing around their hats and mittens? Thus they are loosing them easily.