Monday, September 15, 2008

for dessert, astronaut ice cream

i thought about posting today about the candidate's positions on the economy, but i couldn't bring myself to do it. too depressing. so, i present you with some lighter fare.

in no particular order, the top 5 foods that sound to me like they could be on a martian middle school lunch menu:

5) gravlax
4) dolmas
3) pad thai
2) chicken tikka (even martians would have chicken as a lunchroom staple)
1) scrapple

and for my first ever embedded video, the coolest physics teacher ever:


N said...

1. I am sending this video to my school district.

2. I hope my son never sees this and tries it on his own.

3. Is he holding class in his garage?

CEK said...

"Now we have real live sound visualization--with fire."

That made me laugh.

fink said...

i hope O does try this- it's totally cool! this kind of experiment is the whole reason i love science- when you think two things couldn't be more unrelated, somebody shows you how they are.