Tuesday, November 11, 2008

my 3 songs, veterans' day edition

yes, i realize vets day here in the US was initially called armistice day and celebrated the end of WW1, and this post may have been more appropriate on V-E day, but vets means all conflicts now, right?

  • van halen, "everbody wants some"
  • split enz, "i got you"
  • oasis, "wonderwall"


fink said...

not even an attempt? you're all lame.

the answer, following the V-E day clue, is "band(s) of brothers":

VH- alex and eddie, of course
split enz- the finn brothers, neil and tim
oasis- the infamous gallaghers, liam and noel

CEK said...

I was going to go with Commonwealth country allies in the war: VH:Netherlands, SE: New Zealand,O: UK, but then I realized Netherlands were occupied by the Germans in WWII.

CEK said...

Also, Netherlands not part of Commonwealth--duh.

2 White said...

I saw the post, and couldn't come up with a common connection. So, there was an attempt on my part.