Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a new beginning

put aside your political ideology- today is a day to identify yourself only as an american. as with any new endeavor, the only way to succeed is to begin with the belief that we will. if you believe in the merits of intercessory prayer, then take a few minutes today to ask for God's grace on our new president and the country as a whole. if you don't believe in prayer, then at least wish president obama well.

then, republican or democrat, god-fearing or godless, pledge to do your part to correct this mess and get this country headed the right way again.


2 White said...

This athiest says, "Amen."

N said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
N said...

Let's try that again in English.

Why can't people who get paid to comment...say it that well? Thanks Fink.

Anonymous said...

Fink for President !!

Anonymous said...

"God' Gets a capaital "G". Interesting.

fink said...

no political office for me- it's too much fun commenting from the outside.

the aversion to capital letters was borne from my poor typing ability. now that i'm more fluid, it's just become a style thing. capitals pop up now and then, usually in abbreviations. to remain consistent with my faith though, style must take a back seat. God will always get the big "G.

there's more to life than faith though- if you'd like a big "W" for wiley, i'm sure it could be arranged for the right price.

Unknown said...

A little late, but I echo the Amen!

Tragically I found it was business as usual in the office - very few cared to step out and watch history- making television at high noon on inauguration day.